Kevin Sauer: Where Are They Now?

Interview by Caroline Lassman

Kevin SauerThe newest president-elect of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is K-State's very own Kevin Sauer. We were lucky enough to have him answer a few questions regarding his career, his new role as president of AND and his longtime love of K-State.

Sauer began his journey at K-State Housing and Dining Services as a resident assistant for Moore Hall in 1991. He met his wife on an elevator at Moore, and they've now been married for 26 years. Sauer became a registered dietitian nutritionist following graduation, then returned to K-State to pursue a master's degree in 1995, working as a graduate assistant in Van Zile Dining Center.

Fast forward to 2020, and Sauer is now an associate professor in the Department of Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health. He is also the co-director for the Center for Food Safety Research in Child Nutrition Programs. He teaches a variety of courses, conducts research, advises and mentors students and more. Sauer, his wife, Christy, and their two daughters love living in Manhattan. One of his daughters is currently a freshman living in Wefald Hall and working at Kramer Dining Center.

Sauer's most recent success was becoming the President of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. As president-elect, he will be "responsible for leading and managing change, encouraging a culture of inquiry and communication, and thinking strategically, globally and futuristically while keeping the needs of Academy members in mind." He will be working closely with the CEO of the Academy.

Sauer contributes some of his success to the personal and professional growth he gained through K-State. He met his wife, raised his family, advanced his education, became an RDN and then president-elect of the leading national dietetics academy all while in Manhattan, Kansas, and it all started here at K-State HDS.

See his interview below.