JP's Sports Grill at Jardine Apartments
Contact Us
2000 Tunstall Circle, Manhattan, KS 66506
Located within the Jardine Plaza Neighborhood ( Map )
Hours of Operation
All hours subject to change in response to customer demand and available staffing.
Academic Hours
Monday through Friday: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Kitchen open until 7 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Sunday
JP's Sports Grill is the heart of Jardine Apartments, bringing residents and the Manhattan community together around a table filled with excellent food. Come try the award-winning Goodnow Burger — made from K-State's very own Weber Hall beef — or one of our sandwiches or wraps. A selection of beers, cocktails and wine is also available. Call ahead for takeout orders or reservations, or order online.
We offer catering! Whether on-campus or off, JP's offers contactless grab-and-go delivery or pick-up services for meetings and team meals. Contact management at 785-532-0844 or email for more information.
View the Menus (PDF)
Work with Us!
We're always looking for students to work in our dining and retail locations. Learn more .
LEEDing the Way
The Jardine Marketplace has earned the internationally recognized Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design Commercial Interiors Gold rating for interior spaces. LEED promotes an approach to sustainability by recognizing and rewarding strategies aimed at improving performance in energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction and improved indoor environmental quality.
The conservation of materials and resources is evident in the Jardine Marketplace. Its walls were constructed with bricks that were repurposed from demolished apartments or leftover from previous Jardine construction. The wood flooring in JP’s is repurposed roof decking from Menninger’s Hospital in Topeka, Kansas. Structural lumber from a shoe factory in North Carolina built in 1849 serves as the wood flooring in The Table. The vestibule entryway flooring is made from recycled glass, and the majority of the furniture and furnishings are salvaged, refurbished or reused materials.
The bars in JP’s are solid cherry wood replicas of 19th century bars from a saloon in Caldwell, Kansas, and the 1886 Long Branch Saloon in Dodge City, Kansas.
To minimize energy use, the building utilizes high-efficiency lighting systems and Energy Star certified food service equipment. Controls were also placed on the HVAC and lighting systems. Water conservation is accomplished by the use of low-flow, prerinse nozzles on sprayers, minimal water use disposals and efficient dish washing machines. An extensive recycling program is in place.