RoomSync Roommate Matching
Find the Right Match
K-State Housing and Dining Services is pleased to partner with RoomSync to provide a roommate matching program for on-campus K-State students. RoomSync allows users to create a matching profile online or through their mobile app. Students can search for roommates until they find the right match.
To access RoomSync, users will need their K-State eID and password. You can register for RoomSync with a Facebook or Google account of your choice.
Make sure you read through all the information about creating your profile so you'll understand the required steps to communicate with Housing and Dining Services once you have matched with someone.
RoomSync can be accessed through the Housing and Dining Services portal . Once you log into the portal using your K-State eID and password, click on the Find a Roommate button and select the link for the housing area you plan to live in.