Summer Housing Contract

Summer Housing at a Glance

Housing and Dining Services offers flexible and convenient housing options to students taking classes during the summer semester.

Who can live here?

Any student who will be enrolled in classes or completing academic work at Kansas State University during the spring, summer or fall 2025 semester is eligible for on-campus housing.

Contract dates

Housing will be available from 1 p.m. Sunday, May 18, 2025, until 12 p.m. Friday, Aug. 15, 2025. Contact Housing and Dining Services if you need to request an extension.

The summer contract is a week-to-week contract. You can stay for as few as two weeks or as many as 13 weeks.

A summer housing week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

Hall location, room types and meal plans

Summer housing residents will be assigned to a traditional private double room in Wefald Hall. You can request a preferred roommate on your contract, but all assignments will be done by Housing and Dining Services staff. Students in summer housing are required to choose either a 12 meal per week or 20 meal per week meal plan with their contract. Please see Dining Center hours that are available throughout the summer.


The cost is $310 per week for a traditional private double room and 12 meal plan or $335 per week for a traditional private double room and 20 meal plan (single rooms are limited in availability at a higher cost and are not guaranteed) or $55 per day for any partial weeks. A $200 down payment is required to complete the contract. Please review the rates for all of the options available to you.


Complete the summer housing application. There is no cost to complete this application.

If you have a verified eID (K-State email address) and password, you will be able to immediately complete the summer housing contract.

If you do not have a verified eID, you can create one.

If you have any questions about your eID or password, you can contact Housing and Dining Services at 785-532-6453 or for assistance.

Changes to the contract

If you need to change your selected arrival date and/or your departure date after the completion of this contract, please contact Housing and Dining Services at least three days in advance. Failure to provide the required three-day notice will result in a $75 improper check-in/checkout fee.

You can make changes to your contract by completing the Summer Contract Change Request form.


For more information

Visit our Summer Housing FAQs page .

Contact Housing and Dining Services by email at or by phone at 785-532-6453 or 888-568-5027.


Start here!

Summer Housing Contract