Residence Halls Information

What You Need to Know About the Residence Halls

What type of rooms exist in the residence halls?

  • 59% of our rooms are traditional, which means they have a community-style bathroom. 21% of our rooms are suite-style and 20% are traditional-private (West/Wefald have shared private-bathrooms).
  • Traditional spaces include doubles and triples with a community bathroom. Students who live in Traditional-Private rooms share a bathroom with a bank of sinks and lockable, individual bathrooms with a sink, toilet and shower. Suites offer amenities such as private bathrooms and carpet, and accommodate two to four occupants. A limited number of single rooms with a community bathroom also are available. Singles and suites carry an additional charge, and may not be available in every hall.

What is the typical room availability in the residence halls?

  • Inventory for fall admitted students is live on the Resident Portal starting in late March. This shows students in real time what types of rooms are still available in each residence hall.
  • Returning students have priority to select their room before incoming students.
  • Incoming Spring semester admits will be able to choose a space based on the availability at that time. Availability is limited since the contract is for the academic year. The spaces that will be available to spring semester admits is based on residents who have cancelled their contract in December. We do not have the ability to predict these openings until the end of fall semester.

How do I find a roommate?

RoomSync Roommate Matching

K-State Housing and Dining Services is pleased to partner with RoomSync to provide a roommate matching program for on-campus K-State students. RoomSync allows users to create a matching profile online or through their mobile app. Students can search for roommates until they find the right match.

To access RoomSync, users will need their K-State eID and password. You can register for RoomSync with a Facebook or Google account of your choice. Make sure you read through all the information about creating your profile so you'll understand the required steps to communicate with Housing and Dining Services once you have matched with someone.

RoomSync can be accessed through the Housing and Dining Services Resident Portal . Once you log into the portal using your K-State eID and password, click on the Find a Roommate button and select the link for the housing area you plan to live in.

Where can I find spaces for religious use in the residence halls?

  • Private and quiet rooms are available for use in every hall. Students can check out keys from the front desk to utilize these private spaces.

Where can I find information about the arrival process?

  • Visit our Move In webpage for information on dates and processes. Information includes:
    • What to bring/not to bring
    • What's furniture is provided
    • What to do before move-in
    • What to do during move-in
    • What to do after move-in

Undergraduate Student Check-List:

Graduate Student Check-List